Thank you I finally found it! It's clever that you hide breakable walls in the entrance of fake walls. The only way to figure it is suspicious is by hugging the wall because when he is running to a real wall, his face is not covered. Otherwise, his face is covered and it is a fake wall you can pass through.
The audio is kinda lagging the longer I play. There is this moment when the sounds get too laggy it stopped. This was when I'm going back and fort between two rooms every 2 seconds to farm exp from minotaur. Audio sounds like about to crash but the game runs smoothly.
Hope this helps, once you found it, please delete the map, to not spoil others players. And rate it plz, it's the best you can do for this game :) Thanks for playing ;)
This version use the locaStoarge too, it's the same code, but embeded with NW.js (sort of Electron). It is probably stored somewhere in your home folder, but i don't know where exactly
This game is great... however when I pick up the first collectible sword guarded by dogs and axe men, I can't get rid of the big box when it appears, and the message. So I am stuck with it until I die. Please Fix!!
Haha, thanks for the video, it's quite fun to watch your gameplay and the comments (I kinda understand br). You seem to struggle with the axeman, I have to admit the hitbox is quite thin, due to the fact that the character is quite thin too. I will fix it.
Hey, I almost forgot. When I die a few times in a row, the bg music starts to crash, and the game also slows down a bit. But it works again if you restart the game, try to fix it friend!
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Is the spitting fire boss the final boss? If so, where can I find the last sword after fire sword?
EDIT: I beat the last boss. But where is that long black sword with 20 ATK?
Yes it's the final boss. The last sword is well hidden in the first part of the castle.
Thank you I finally found it! It's clever that you hide breakable walls in the entrance of fake walls. The only way to figure it is suspicious is by hugging the wall because when he is running to a real wall, his face is not covered. Otherwise, his face is covered and it is a fake wall you can pass through.
Thanks :)
And thanks for rating too.
You talked about audio bugs, can you tell me more?
The audio is kinda lagging the longer I play. There is this moment when the sounds get too laggy it stopped. This was when I'm going back and fort between two rooms every 2 seconds to farm exp from minotaur. Audio sounds like about to crash but the game runs smoothly.
I have painstakingly created the map. Could someone please mark on this map where the last shield is? thank you.
Hope this helps, once you found it, please delete the map, to not spoil others players. And rate it plz, it's the best you can do for this game :) Thanks for playing ;)
I Deleted the map. Thank you so much.
You're welcome
I have finally defeated the final boss.
Final hold ITEM is :
7 swords, 2 shields, 5 bows, 1 shoes.
Is that all?
If you open the inventory, all cells have an item. If i remember well, 10 swords, 5 shields, 5 bows, and 5 unique items like the boots
I'll be back on my journey to find the rest of the items.
To get the rest of items, I have been careful about ramming myself into the edge of the wall,
Is there anything else I should be care of?
I had already found these items.
There is false walls, and breakable walls with the hammer sword. Some breakable walls are visible, but others aren't.
Thank you. It's amazing that there are still so many left.
Since then, I've been traveling again with my hammer sword.
Without the Hammer Sword, it turns out that there are quite a few items in the first half journey as well.
It is speculated that you are equipped with powerful weapons in preparation for the final boss battle.
I was able to find all items but one remaining shield.
Where is the last one shield?
Hello, again. This game is great. This game reminds me of the old school game, Xanadu. There is one question. where is the save file?
In the browser's localStorage
Where is the save file for the download version?
This version use the locaStoarge too, it's the same code, but embeded with NW.js (sort of Electron). It is probably stored somewhere in your home folder, but i don't know where exactly
O.K. I found out the folder.
Thank you!
I have stucked long time. I'd like to get the map. I haven't know where to go next.
There's no map, but the world isn't big. Let me know where you are so i can help you
I'm currently level 13 and I'm at the place where there's a circular saw moving left and right at the upper part.
I can't climb to the upper road by jumping. Does the jumping power increase by the level-up?
I have already gotten some Weapons, 3 swords (including initial possession), 2 bows (including initial possession), and 1 shield (only initial possession).
I don't know where the new road is.
I'm going back and forth in the same place.
I need the walkthrough.
You missed the double jumps boots, in the vertical room before the circular saw, you can explore the left.
Thank you. Finally I found the double jumped boots. I completely overlooked it.
Say, how on earth do I confirm a input? I dont know how to start the game!
Sorry, i forget to precise default controls:
press space bar
I got all items minus one.
Tip: Get all armour, get best weapon (20 attk) get best shield (15 def) get best bow (6 attk).
Jump, and hit middle just before flames. Don't touch him otherwise 17 damage!
Any tips how to defeat the final boss?
When I get a new weapon, the message telling me about the weapon never goes away and it blocks the whole screen!! How to fix?
Changing the letters to jkl works. J for jump. K fut cut (attack). L for Longbow!
This game is great...
however when I pick up the first collectible sword guarded by dogs and axe men, I can't get rid of the big box when it appears, and the message. So I am stuck with it until I die. Please Fix!!
Thanks, it's a old bug i already fixed, what keyboard key do you use for sword?
I use space to swing my sword
Oh I just found out. There is a save shrine next door. So you save then die. That is how to get rid of it for now...
Try to change the sword key for a letter, this is not supposed to happen...sorry
game is good and pretty fun, got a few bugs but other than that, it's nice.
i recommend these controls: WASD for movement, SPACE for jump and L sword atk K bow atk
Thanks, let me know about the bugs, i'll try to fix them.
Haha, thanks for the video, it's quite fun to watch your gameplay and the comments (I kinda understand br). You seem to struggle with the axeman, I have to admit the hitbox is quite thin, due to the fact that the character is quite thin too. I will fix it.
Hey, I almost forgot. When I die a few times in a row, the bg music starts to crash, and the game also slows down a bit. But it works again if you restart the game, try to fix it friend!